Another academic year has come to an end, and the Spectrum Team have been incredibly busy across Wales.
It has been a challenging year for all due to the impact of the pandemic, but as a team we are immensely proud that we have delivered 1839 sessions to 22,867 pupils, and training to 197 school staff members. We are looking forward to carrying on this great work in the next academic year.
We would like to give a Big Thank You to all the schools that have taken part in our sessions this year. We commend your commitment to bringing key messages about healthy relationships to your pupils through our project. We will continue to support you as you embed the new RSE Curriculum from September.
This year has also been very exciting for Spectrum Project as the Minister for Education in Wales came to observe one of our sessions with Key Stage 2 pupils. Jeremy Miles MS commented on how he thought that the metaphors used with the pupils during the lesson were excellent at teaching resilience; and he could see that the children really understood.
Promotions have also been incredible, with BBC Cymru attending a session in Swansea where we discussed children’s rights, and healthy and unhealthy relationships. An interview on the project and views from the pupils in the class were shown on S4C news. We also contributed to a documentary on Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control fronted by Ruth Dodsworth, which aired in December 2021.

Our media coverage has been amazing this year, but we have also been very lucky with our Twitter engagements, receiving over 12,000 when Lorraine Kelly retweeted our FGM post, for example. Spectrum is very active on social media platforms and any help to promote the project is greatly appreciated.
We are hoping that the next academic year will prove to be just as amazing for the Spectrum team and all the schools who engage with our project.
Have a lovely summer and stay safe.