
We have extensive knowledge and experience of delivering housing-related support services across Wales. We believe that people have the right to aspire to safe, independent lives within their communities. We recognise that people face different barriers in their journey towards independence and we work alongside them to help overcome these.

Explore the map to see our projects across Wales

Cwm Taf Morgannwg

  • Rhondda Cynon Taff – Vulnerable Families Supported Housing
  • Rhondda Cynon Taff – Young Peoples Supported and Dispersed Accommodation


  • Torfaen – Male Domestic Abuse Floating Support
  • Torfaen – Vulnerable Families Floating Support

Mid & West Wales

  • Pembrokeshire – 2nd Stage Domestic Abuse Safe House
  • Pembrokeshire – Domestic Abuse Refuge
  • Carmarthenshire – Domestic Abuse Supported Housing
  • Pembrokeshire – Domestic Abuse Supported Housing
  • Carmarthenshire – IDVA
  • Powys – IDVA
  • Pembrokeshire – One Stop Shop
  • Carmarthenshire – Young Women’s Project

North East Wales

  • Flintshire – Dispersed Supported Housing Scheme
  • Wrexham – Dispersed Domestic Abuse Refuge
  • Wrexham – Dispersed Domestic Abuse Supported Housing
  • Wrexham – Domestic Abuse Floating Support
  • Flintshire – Domestic Abuse Supported Housing
  • Wrexham – Young Person’s Project

North West Wales

  • Conwy – Dispersed Supported Housing Scheme
  • Isle of Anglesey – Dispersed Supported Housing Scheme
  • Isle of Anglesey – Floating Support Project
  • Conwy – Young Women’s Project
  • Gwynedd – Domestic Abuse Supported Housing
  • Conwy – Floating Support
  • Conwy – Young Person’s Project

Swansea Bay

  • Swansea – Children and Young People’s Wellbeing Project
  • Swansea – Domestic Abuse Supported Housing
  • Neath Port Talbot – Families First Home Support
  • Neath Port Talbot – Floating Support
  • Swansea – Floating Support
  • Neath Port Talbot – Domestic Abuse Supported Housing
  • Neath Port Talbot – Male Domestic Violence Project
  • Swansea – One Stop Shop

Housing Support

“Hafan Cymru really helped me to settle into my own house and supported me every step of the way. I was in a dark place but I have worked through my depression and now feel I can move on with confidence. I know there is someone there if I need support”

Our housing support delivery is flexible and responsive to the needs of individuals and their changing circumstances. We provide a psychologically informed environment that enables and encourages people to make positive changes to their lives. We focus on social inclusion and integration in the local community. We provide a wraparound support package that develop tenants’ skills that enable them to live independently, reaching their potential. In partnership with statutory and voluntary services, we provide our tenants and their families with high quality service.

Floating Support

“I felt I had nowhere to turn, I feel more confident in my decision making and I am proud of how far I have come, I am now living a fully independent life”

Our teams of experienced and trained support workers help vulnerable people in all types of accommodation, and in all types of tenancies. Our support takes into account the needs of each individual and looks at the whole picture, to ensure the best possible outcomes. We prevent homelessness by protecting people experiencing anti-social behaviour or domestic abuse. We make sure people understand their legal rights and responsibilities. We work to get housing issues solved as quickly as possible so that people can look after their homes, feel more confident, enjoy better wellbeing, and work towards independence.


“Life is now enjoyable and I feel stronger than ever to face what life brings. Each day is a blessing and the guidance I have received has truly been amazing.”

Hafan Cymru Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) provide specialist safety advice, information, and support to high-risk victims of domestic violence. Our team of IDVAs work with clients to ensure there is safety and ongoing support for each victim and their children. The support is tailored to each victim’s individual need to create a holistic and achievable life plan to help them maintain a safe future for themselves and their children free from abuse and harm.

Our victims describe our IDVAs as lifelines for them to have a voice and gain safety, access to financial assistance where needed, prevent homelessness, and support to guide them through the most traumatic times in their lives. Working with key partner agencies, we have helped to transform the way in which high-risk domestic violence victims are supported. Our knowledge of the criminal justice system and expertise of domestic violence is crucial to supporting police response rates and keeping victims safe from perpetrators.

As a result of our ongoing work with victims from April 2020 to March 2021 we supported 1197 victims. 98% of our victims are satisfied with the service we provide them.


Hafan Cymru partnered with various service providers, pulling support in one place, making it easier for people to access the information and services they need. Swansea One Stop Shop Pembrokeshire Community Hub

Swansea One Stop Shop

Pembrokeshire One Stop Shop (Coming Soon)

Who we support

We support many different people in communities across Wales this includes:

  • Children and Young People
  • Families – Women, Men, Children
  • LGBTQ+
  • Older People
  • BAME